Just I will introduce a Special Person today here and he is only the man like who belongs to develop in his own strength and own ideas and with his own willingness. He is the Creator of the earning and how to develop their businesses in their own. This story will be inspirational to anyone in the region or village or district. If you want to how to earn money to live on this earth there is a story is ready to learn how to earn in various manners and how to develop the business. Actually in the first he Stage when he is the child hood he went to school and later he is coming to the 12th year age he learnt that how to draw the picture with the brush paint on the sarees and other clothes. Due to some days he would practice the same and al last he got the perfection in this art. In his early age he would be very fast and gently manner. He would catch the every point in his own

He Started a Painting work in the Epurupalem Village and in the rural area at the land mark of the “Jenda Chettu Center”. Nearly 20 Years Back he started his work in a Small shed that shed name called as Krishna Murthy Painting Corner, he would painting on all types of clothes and he would invented new types of designs in the free hand painting work. Then this is new to the people who are living in the village of epurupalem and at the same time it is also new to around the people of who living in the around of the Epurupalem area like Chirala, Boinavaripalem, Thotavari palem, Gavinivari palem, Padma nabhuni peta, Purugulapeta and the some other places in epurupalem also. This is really new work except to the who are doing other occupations in the village. Number of occupations are being running in the epurupalem this is only the new occupation to the people when everyone. If anyone wanted entering in this field or occupation they must would be known what is the painting and what is the colors and what is the designs and what is the Accounts in the shops these are all most required to start the painting occupation.

This is the real skill to best start to any one in their life. But here he is most skilled person to lead the work and win in the field. First he started to hunting where painting account is given in which shops he searched chirala and around the shops. First he started at the account Sri Alapati Nageswara Rao shop who is the Biggest Shop Owner’s in the Textile and Handloom works. This will be best option to his to elect to do the work in this shop.

He gathering the paintings to draw on the sarees and he invented new types of designs due not going to bore with same designs. In the first one or two years as a youngster he completely doing the painting work with the assistance of the one or two workers help. At that time he is only the worker to the painting work. Several years he continues to do this work in the Same place. In the beginning days the painting rates are very high rates in the beginning days. Rates nearly 200 rupees per saree. Nearly he made 15 sarees per day. But later this cost would decrease to 10 rupees per sarees only. This is real truth.
The Painting cost is also not enough to buy the painting with the each saree. After some day Some persons has started the same painting work and entering in the painting field. In those days Kallu Geeta Work for Goudas, Chakali Work for Some Chakali Caste, Weaving work for Weavers, Rod Bending works some Christians, and Welding works for Muslims are specifically allotted for their eligibility. This painting work is only biggest income work in those days.
Now a days he is one of the Best example to who’s inspirational stories to motivate others. Then he has not stopped in one type of painting work after started the painting work several years later he has started a new work like Screen printing work. This is the another method to print a saree in a different kind with a Screen. Here he used a small bit of paint and a brush and a screen made by wood and last one long table to use this entire work.

This is the simple method to working to paint on sarees. Nearly Five minutes are taken a saree to complete with this method. And in this method some sarees looking very beautiful and very fair looking and at the same time this is very cheapest method also. The Same work has been doing some other one or two persons in the epurupalem at that time. Later the painting changes take tremendous changes day by day and at one time screen printing work has create a most effective change in the epurupalem. Nearly at once a time arounding epurupalem spreaded number of painting sheds variedly. Nearly every house would started this work at the peak state of this work nearly 100’s of shed arisen in the middle epurupalem.

Every one known how to work in the screen printing work and where and how the instruments get to do this work. If we take an example at that time some other occupational persons are also coming into this field. In that time if who are earn lot and save their amount as a safety in banks those are only become in to the real rich people.
If the persons that negligible persons are also earn lot of money but they did not save such type amount and those are all drowning into the debits? All of the other people involve in this work with seen of his success. He started nearly 40 sheds in the epurupalem to do this work. If any person in this work if success then is become most rich and at the same time otherwise become falling in debts. This is also done in some lives.

Here faith is not important but here capital is more important in this field and there is no doubt Capital is most important here. If any person want to start this just look a account in chirala and immediately invest capital in this and started this work and the workers are also available to do this work with lot of man power. If you have a capable to offer a bit of high amount to the workers they are mostly interesting to do with you in your shed the entire work. And the same time the workers are also have good manner and they take more responsibility to do this work.

If you have any burdens in this field they are all available to do this problem. In olden days is golden days this is one of the best proverb ever. In olden days production charges are very small and production is very big but now the production charges is very high and the output is very few. Every instrument or any painting and other objects values are in the available reates. But now these are all not in our hands. Here we will tell only one word that Krishna Murthy is one of the most intelligent person to how to do the business and how build the big Business kindom. This is the real truth that what I have ever seen the stories in available in my surroundings.